Wednesday, 17 October 2012


What's Up Next?

So...the next entry on the APAT calendar is the UK & Home International Team Championship and the United Kingdom Amateur Poker Championship in Stoke.

I've stuck my neck out and put my name forward for a spot on one of the three England teams...something I've never done before. I've never really seen myself as THAT good but I've gone deep in more than a few APAT events over the years and the team schedule includes PLO which is my #2 game (after PLO8).

I think I'm in with a shot for a wildcard/rookie spot but the captains will, no doubt, have some tough decisions to make.

I'm definitely going..hotel is booked already for Friday - Sunday (I found a monster deal with Premier Inn) and the drive from home shouldn't be more than 3 hours or so.

After's Vegas (baby!)...and that, he said hopefully, will be awesome, mostly because Ger will be there for a week but it looks like some old mates from the London Poker Meetup might be there for a few days as well.

Monday, 8 October 2012


Worth The Trip

Well that happened.

<end blogentry/>

Ok...perhaps not but I spent a great deal of time...

  1. Getting drunk (quietly I hope)
  2. Being drunk (ditto)
  3. Asleep in the pub/casino
  4. Asleep in the hotel
  5. Awake in the hotel (but regretting it)
  6. Hungover

I could expound..and probably will at some point but I'm kinda slammed at work at the moment..and I'm not used to that.

Things I've learned from visiting Yarm..

Phil TC will actually give up his bed for you. 

When Phil offered me a bed for the night I didn't realise he was doing this and I didn't learn it was his until after I'd left his abode. Frankly, I'm blown away by the hospitality of the man.


Phil has the bounciest, cutest and most adorable dog

I like dogs but Bonnie is the bees patellas.

More Hugs!

Lucy Amos is cuter and nicer than Bonnie

I'm not surprised they've kept her to themselves...gits.

Super Hugs!

Beer makes me sleepy

Fair enough...this isn't news to me but sheesh, I was tired all the time. It must be the northern air...or something.