Thursday, 1 September 2011

Move Along…Nothing To See Here.

APAT Nottingham (WCOAP 2011)

Apologies. I've been catching up on my blog posting and realised that I haven't been cross-posting between here and the APAT site. I just got out of the habit of writing it up in both formats...actually it's probably just laziness on my part.

Regardless, I’m going to try and get all the old posts over there duplicated on here (in the right order) and, and I’ve probably said this before, keep it up. Fortunately, Windows Live Writer will let you back-date posts….handy that.

Anyway, as it happens I can’t recall Nottingham at all. Obviously I didn’t win anything or even come close so it didn’t make an impression.

Fortunately, that hasn’t been the case since then. So, if I haven’t lost you completely by now, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I had, brace yourself…here it comes.