APAT - Vegas Vengeance: Sunday, 13th November 2011
Not the greatest night’s sleep I’ve ever had, perhaps it was the jet-lag or that ‘not my own bed’ thing, but sleep came in fits and starts so I didn’t feel rested at all. Nevertheless, I left the room at the crack of 11am and headed down for breakfast.
As it was Sunday there was a queue at the place I was planning on going to so rather than waiting I hit the buffet where the was no waiting time. Standard buffet fare, nothing worth going into detail about and I wandered into the poker room about noon. I got myself on the list but still had to wait over an hour before getting seated.
As it turns out I wish I hadn’t bothered. I’ve seen some crap play before and combine that with a severe case of card deadness and I just wasn’t getting it done.
I’d play a hand, flop the world and miss, or get suck-out on at the end or, and here’s a real ball buster, I flop a full house on a 655 board with a nut low draw, that’s A265 for the uninitiated, there is a bet in front of me, cool he has a 5, I raise and some lady calls and so does the first guy.
Turn is a K and I lead, and she raises, EP gets out of the way, I just raise and we end up capping it.
River is a J and I check call the river and she rolls over KK79. WTF? You call a bet and re-raise with a gutshot and no low and hit a fricking 2 outer?
That was the hand that put me on tilt....but I wasn’t going to play like that so I just took my lumps and cashed out down $160.
I had to do something to relieve the stress, so I thought drinking might help...it always has in the past. So, I decided to kill two birds with one stone and do a little scouting for Friday and sauntered over to McMullan's, getting there around 5.30...just in time to take advantage of the end of happy hour.
I ordered a Stella and took a look at their menu. I was pointed at the happy hour menu by the barman where items were half off. I’d been itching to try their Irish Nachos since I heard about them...basically it’s a plate of home made crisps (not tortilla chips like normal) covered in melted cheese and other yummy goodness.
For $4 (half of $8) for a small portion it seemed like a marriage made in heaven. Then it arrived....
Oh Feck...it was a mountain...and this was a small portion....I’d hate to see the large one. Nevertheless I gave it my best effort but it defied all attempts and I think I managed about half of it before admitting defeat.
In the meantime the live music was starting up. Their regular guy is John Windsor and he’s a born showman with a great line in patter and music. It seems that Sunday night is when he brings a few friends in to play as well and there was a nice mix of music on offer.
By 8.30 however, I was feeling tired again but I didn’t want to call it a night just yet so I resorted to a simple solution...Irish Coffee. All the alcohol plus caffeine goodness.
A couple of those seemed to do the trick but in the end it was always a losing proposition and by 10pm the spirit was willing but the flesh was not.
I walked the couple of hundred yards back to the Orleans and called it a night. I hope tomorrow goes better.