Saturday, 26 November 2011

One Last Shot

APAT - Vegas Vengeance: Friday, 25th November 2011

After last night’s debacle I was determined to get some poker in on the last full day in Vegas. Considering the Mirage room was purely HE and It’s not my favourite cash game I decided to try the Venetian again despite the battering I’d been getting there.

Not that I got there until around 2pm. The beds at the Mirage are very nice too, perhaps not quite as comfortable as those at Harrah's but nice enough that I lazed until well after 1pm.

I tried to give the Venetian’s food court a go but the temptation of Stella got the better of me so back to the Grand Lux Cafe it was. The bartender recognised me...they’re kind of good at that and it does help that I sometimes have my name on my shirt. You may mock (and you have) but  it does break the ice sometimes.

Anyway, a very nice Reuben sandwich and a couple of Stellas and I was ready to get back at it.

I finally got into a game about 3pm and really hunkered down and ground it out. Within and hour I was up $100 and feeling much more comfortable but then the Americans all decided to head off for an early dinner and we sat short handed for quite a while.

This led to me dropping a few chips just in blinds but I was holding my own. When we finally got back to a full table when I got involved in a hand where I flopped a set with a low on the board and got into a raising war against to players both (I knew) playing the nut low.

Unfortunately the board didn’t pair and ran out all low and I had to let it go after pumping a significant proportion of my stack into the pot.

This depressed the living shit out of me but I wasn’t willing to give up on playing just yet. Battening down the hatches I played locked down poker for another few hours and by 11pm and 7 hours of play I was back over my starting stack and called it a night with a grand total of $62 profit.

I can’t say I’ve broken the back of the Venetian demon but it’s not looming over me any more.

So back to the Mirage for something to eat. I just walked past the queue of people at BLT Burger (who wanted tables) and sat myself at the bar.

A VERY nice turkey burger and couple of Bud Lights and that had me finished off. I went back to the Pete but that wasn’t terribly surprising...he wandered in around 5am just as I was waking up.

So that’s about it really....the season finale of Paulie Does Vegas.

A few random thoughts just to round off.

Firstly, I realised in the can to McCarran for the flight back that I’d done this trip in reverse to my previous few trips. I’d normally do a week on the Strip and then relax off-strip for the second week. Consequently, I was somewhat more tired on this trip that I had expected.

Secondly, I took care of myself a little better than I have before, I ate properly...hell, very well, compared to just grabbing things when I wanted. I was only visited by the bear once and that helped too.

Being with a group is just awesome but it is nice to have some time to yourself.

I didn’t hit up half the places I had planned...I’m not worried, the occasion didn’t arise but I think you would have liked some of the choices, perhaps next time.

I’ve seem some discussion (already) about next year. I still maintain that late in the year (October to  December) is the best’s not blisteringly hot, the weather, even late at night is still T-Shirt weather for Brits.

I have the first couple of weeks of November 2012 pencilled in but that’s likely to be another road trip from LA to Vegas (perhaps with a side trip to Laughlin). Still, that’s just the basic outline for now and it’s a long way off.


Friday, 25 November 2011

It’s Over, Deal With It

APAT - Vegas Vengeance: Thursday, 24th November 2011

Well, it finally arrived...the main strength of the APAT contingent was heading home today. Not me of course, I have another couple of days...of which more later. Thanks to Dawn’s negotiating skills I wasn’t rushed about moving out of my hotel room until I was good and ready but by 2pm I was packed up and checked out and sitting in the Starbucks near to the lobby waiting for my brother.

A parade of happy, but very tired APAT faces paraded past to do the check-out thing and wait for various taxis and limos. Yes, Vegas can be a tiring place to visit..even for the young. Because there is so much to see, do and experience, especially for the Vegas Virgins, they try to cram it all in into the quite short amount of time.

Sleep comes far down on the list and that catches up with you eventually. For many it will be when they get home...some may be unconscious on take-off from McCarran.

Anyway, back to me.

Pete eventually out in an appearance about 2.45pm and did his check-out thing. No surprisingly, in additional to getting 5 days for free, they comped the other two nights based on his play over the past few days.

Me... I earned a grand total of $6...whoop-de-doo.

So, with the admin done, we cabbed it over to the way I was lugging 20kg of luggage across Harrah's casino floor, across LV Blvd and then across the Mirage.

Check-in was easy and we made our way up to our room for the next two nights.

Very nice rooms even if I say it myself

By the time we gotten unpacked and sorted it was time to eat. The line at the buffet was too long so I directed Pete to BLT Burger.

Mmmmmm.....gorgeous with a couple of draft Bud Lites. Pete thought it was the bees patellae.

With the body sated Pete went off to do his thing and I headed to the Mirage Poker Room. They don’t get anything other than Hold’em going on here very often so I just decided to sit in on a 3/6 Limit game.

Unfortunately, the game was shorthanded for quite a while and I didn’t fare very well. In the end I just go blinded away and ended up down about $100.

I got bored with it and decided to rest up for a while before thinking of what to do next. On my way out of the poker room I met a local friend who deals at both the Mirage and Bills and we caught up in a very quick fashion as she was just coming on shift.

On getting back to the room, I find Pete already collapsed on his bed pretty much spark out. I found this idea quite attractive and got my head down.

Of course, this was fatal and I woke up around 11.30pm and that was that, I read for a while but couldn’t get back to sleep and the next thing I know it’s well past 3am and Pete and I are watching re-runs of Friends...all the Thanksgiving episodes.

[sorry]Hangs head in shame[/sorry]

So...nothing much to report of the Thursday night...another rest day overall.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

You Can’t Beat A Happy Ending

APAT - Vegas Vengeance: Wednesday, 23rd November 2011

Another good night’s I said, the beds at Harrah's are very comfortable. I was doing the general stooging around the room when my brother Pete texted me suggesting breakfast. At he insane...that’s way to early!?

Nevertheless, I felt it my duty to see the little blighter as I hadn’t actually laid eyes on him for 5 days or so. Good to know he was still alive although judging by the look of him when he knocked on my door it had been a rough night.

We sauntered down to The Cafe at Harrah' unimaginative name but accurate. Steak, Eggs, Breakfast potatoes, orange juice and coffee....lovely. We caught up on our various doings but as out interest on the gambling front are different he decided to have another shot at the blackjack tables and, mug that I am, went back to the Venetian.

Seriously, I should have known better....

No did not KNOW the villain had JJ on a J7388 board when you called all the streets of betting, raised by the villain and reraised by me on every street. I knew he was betting the come on the flop with his A2, I’d been watching him do it for past hour.

If you seriously thought he had JJ you would not have called with a bare 3 and no low on the flop and gone runner runner with 83 to boat the river against my 77.

That was enough, I’d been there less than 2 hours and was down $140 already...I’m done.

Of course, this left me with the rest of the day to fill. I wandered back to Harrah's and played the penny slots for an hour or two dropping another $100 or, I lie, it was more like $200.

Jesus, I’m so stupid sometimes.

That put me further in a funk and I was sitting in my room trying to decide whether to even bother to do anything for the evening when I got a text from, as it turned out, Ger to the effect that they had acted on a suggestion of mine from some time back and made reservations at The Range Steakhouse upstairs in Harrah's for 8pm.

I kind of felt obliged to be there ad it had been my original idea but on reflection that wasn’t the important point. No, this would be my last opportunity so socialise with some of my APAT friends before they flew back and that I could not miss.

So, I threw off my troubles and made my way downstairs and found a small crowd at the Numb bar just outside The Range’s private elevator. It seemed that some people there were unconvinced about the value of the meal compared to the cost so they elected to choose the Outback instead.

Fair enough. As it turned out Richard Baker called me and said that he had rounded up a few more and we eventually made it upstairs eleven handed. A couple of tables pushed together right by the window overlooking the Strip and all the ambiance you might expect.

Oysters, Steak and Lobster followed by Tiramisu all washed down with a few large glasses of wine.

How much you ask?...About $110 each and worth every red cent. The service and food were top notch and I would recommend it if you happen to be into that kind of experience.

We were out by 10.30 pm or so, I’m not precisely sure of the time but I suggested that we finish off the night at Toby Keith's.

This ideas was more or les warmly received although I did see Ger and a couple of others yawning but that didn’t stop them following along.

On arrival, someone was getting the drinks in while we tried to find a table that we could all sit at when I looked around to find Dawn having a barney with a security guard.

It seemed that this jobsworth was concerned about us disrupting the flow of the restaurant section by sitting at a ‘restaurant table’ instead of at a a set of stools no more than 4 feet away.

Dawn was explaining to this f...ellow that it was had to disrupt the flow when there were precisely 3 people sitting the the restaurant section which had space for over 100 covers.

Regardless, I suggested to Dawn that it wasn’t worth the hassle but somehow, bless her, she managed to wangle not only $50 worth of comps as an apology for our trouble but late check-out (2pm instead of noon) for all of us in the party staying at Harrah's.

Gift of the gab I suppose.

Well that sealed it...we were drinking and singing along to the somewhat (I thought) mediocre cover band playing and eventually closed up the joint at 1.30am.

Job done.

I shook a few hands in case I didn’t see them again before they flew out and wended my weary way back my room. Stuffed and Happy.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

The Venetian Is My Kryptonite

APAT - Vegas Vengeance: Tuesday, 22nd November 2011

With nothing least with any specificity...I could have my usual long lie-in and general pottering around in the room time before doing anything of consequence. I decided to give the Venetian another shot but took my time in strolling would be there when I got there.

My first port of call was the Walgreens (sort of like a giant Boots) for my annual purchase of 1000 Ibuprofen. How daft is it that if you try and buy more than 18 in Tesco they wrestle you to the ground in case you do yourself harm but over here I can buy enough to keep me going for well over a year?

This in the most litigious country in the world...batty I tell you!

Anyway, after making my purchase I took the opportunity to wander through the Canal Shoppes....such a better experience, at least visually, to me...that the Forum Shops.

Same basic idea, shops selling stuff I don’t want and couldn’t afford anyway but the Venetian seems to do it just a little more class than Caesars.

Having skipped breakfast as I usually do, I made my weary (yes already) way to the Grand Lux Cafe and brunched on a very nice meal of fish and chips...with the perennial couple of Stellas of course.

After that it was the poker room where, I’m sorry to say, the experience of a couple of days ago repeated itself. Either zero playable hands or getting crushed by river rats.

I played until about 6pm or thereabouts before calling it quits down about $140.

I don’t know what it is, I used to do quite well at the could just be that I’ve got worse, the variance could be catching up with me or the opposition has gotten better.

Personally, I’d go with No. 2,  then No. 1 then No. 3 in order of likelihood, but whatever it is I’m only going to give it one more shot.

Licking my wounds I strolled back to Harrah's and into Toby Keith’s. A few Bud Lites and a plate of chicken pieces lifted my spirits some but when the band came on my aged ears couldn’t take the racket so I called it a night.

Now look, some of you are, no doubt, sitting there thinking, Paulie’s in the mecca of all gamblers, Sin City, Las Vegas itself and he’s getting in before midnight.

I can understand that thinking but you kind of have to look at it from my point of view.

Firstly, I’m older than most people generally judge and I weigh...there’s no getting away from it...a I get tired.

Then, also, I’ve been coming here for 20 years or more so I don’t have that ‘Gee Whiz, Look at that!” excitement that the Vegas virgins have.

Finally, folks...and this is the biggie...this is my main holiday for the year and if I want to relax and vegetate that’s what I’m going to do.

Perhaps it makes this blog a tad on the boring side on occasion but them’s the breaks for you.

OK. Rant over.

Like I said, I’ll give the Venetian one more shot tomorrow and see what the day brings after than. Most if not all of the contingent are heading home so maybe we’ll all get together for something but we’ll see.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

It’s A Nice Day For A White Wedding

APAT - Vegas Vengeance: Monday, 21st November 2011

Calling it an early night yesterday was a wise decision as I needed to be at The Chapel of The Flowers for Adam and Julie’s wedding. A few of us gathered in the lobby around 10.30 and we hopped in a a cab or two to head over to the chapel arriving shortly before 10.45. In fact we arrived shortly before the groom!

Many of the visiting APATers had made the effort to dress up for the happy day especially Stuart Oliver who was in full Scottish regalia. For myself I confess that I had not (I had a full suitcase as it was) so I hid myself at the back out of camera shot.

The chapel was completely full and, indeed, the minister commented that he’d never had such a crowd, especially from overseas. I thought that the minister did a wonderful job of the ceremony and Adam and Julie were clearly enjoying their special day.

Once the ceremony was after the bride and groom were taken off to do a photo-shoot and we all trooped outside to find that the sun had truly come out for the first time during our visit. It was a gloriously sunny day.

We all stooged around for a while as Dawn organised us like a military action. We would need more than a few cabs but I was fortunate enough to blag a spot in one of the chapel’s super-stretch limos to Caesars and the Cheesecake factory.

The driver let us out right be a side door just a hundred yards from the restaurant and we lined up outside. Somehow we’d beaten the happy couple to the place but Dawn was on the case.

It seemed that despite a couple of confirmation call the restaurant didn’t take reservations so Dawn had to badger the manager into sorting out some space for us.

It all worked out in the end and by the time we were done we filled three large tables. Somehow Ger and the rest of the party had gotten side-tracked into a bar so that was a little disappointing but still we had a nice meal for what I thought was a pretty decent price for the Forum Shops.

By 3pm I was ready for a nap so I trudged the whole length of the Forum Shops back to Harrah's. I made sure to set my phone alarm so there wouldn’t be a repeat of Saturday.  By 5.30 I was cabbing over to the Tropicana for the JAPAT Wedding Tournament.

I really like the way they’re refurbished the Trop although they’ve started pumping in some smell that just, if you’ll pardon the expression, gets up my nose.

We got away with 50 runners or thereabouts but once again I got nowhere with any action or move I would make. I managed to run my A4s into Don Robert’s AA who was on fire on our table.

A couple of drinks later and we’d managed to get a 3/6 Omaha 8 cash game running full of APAT regulars.

Ger seemed to be hitting everything in sight even when he should have gotten out of the hand some time before. This was a little frustrating but there is nothing you can do in these situations.

I sat in for a few hours while dwindling chips slowly. By the time the tourney was over I was ready to call it a night...this must have been around 1am and I was down $140.

So be it...I made my way outside and grabbed a cab back to Harrah's.

I have nothing specific planned for the next few days, my travel guru duties are done and dusted, I’ll just play it by ear

Monday, 21 November 2011

It’s Been A Hard Day’s Grind

APAT - Vegas Vengeance: Sunday, 20th November 2011

After all that sleep I was more than refreshed and ready for a day of grinding so after my usual lounge around the room I walked over to the Venetian. Food was the first order of business so I chose the Grand Lux Cafe for a couple of Stella and a very nice Club sandwich.

After that, I got seated into a 4/8 Omaha 8 game after just a couple of minutes. Despite going off with only six players the table filled up quickly.

The play was challenging to say the least and my stack yoyo’d between $100 and $200 most of the time. The hardest part was an idiot at the opposite end of the table who would stay in with even the most ridiculous no-draw and get there on the river.

Not only that but he slow-rolled me twice. Sigh.

I crushed him later when I made the ultimate nuts on the turn and he just wouldn’t let go and took him for a decent chunk of change.

Unfortunately, that chunk only got me back to my starting stack and after five hours I was down a whole $4.

That was enough and I wanted to play the IP Mixed Game so I cashed out and strolled over and got my name on the list around 6.30pm.

I was joined after a while by JP Round, James Edwards and Chen Tam and we got under way dead on 7pm with a few other randoms.

Laughs were had, suck-outs were bad and we played for quite a while. I couldn’t get much was that kind of day...and, besides, having played this game before I’ve always treated it as a donation.

So after 6 hours play I was down $100 and I was yawning so I called it a night, especially as I was going to have, at least for this trip, and early morning the next day

I made the short walk back to Harrah's and crashed.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Out Cold

APAT - Vegas Vengeance: Saturday, 19th November 2011

Yes, folks, the bear is most definitely back. Clothes all over the room, shitty taste in my mouth, raging headache and pocket full of singles. Ohhhh, Lord....rum drinks...tasty but so dangerous. Anyway, as you can imagine it took me more than a while before I was even close to being compos mentis enough to make my way to Caesars for the APAT event.

I met Shogun along the way and we made our way over together.

We got under way in the event and given that the field was a good 80% British my table was full of familiar faces. I got my Kings cracked fairly early on but doubled up through Paul McGuinness towards the end of level three when he didn’t believe me when I shoved with a full house.

Of course, I picked KK again on the button in the very next hand and got coolered to a flopped full house.

That left me at a loose end and, even though I am the travel guru, I hadn’t planned on anything for the Saturday afternoon. I wandered back to Harrah's for lunch where I had a $5 coupon thanks for Foursquare.

From there I just thought I would take a nap to recover from the bad night and made my way to my room.

This proved to be a big mistake....I lay down about 5pm for a couple of hours....unfortunately, those two hours actually proved to be six. I said the beds were comfortable.

To be honest, I suppose I could have made the effort to get up, clean myself up and go wandering but I figured that would just mess up my sleep pattern again.

So, I just wrote off Saturday and just hung out in the room. Sorry to be boring but there you go.

Sunday, I want to play the Mixed Game at the IP but I might give the Venetian a whirl first.

Saturday, 19 November 2011


APAT - Vegas Vengeance: Friday, 18th November 2011

Moving hotels seems to have done the trick. The beds at Harrah's are very comfortable and I can’t pinpoint what the difference might be but I got a full six hours solid sleep after Thursday’s invasion.

So what’s a fellow supposed to do? That’s right, I rolled over and went back to’s still early for crying out loud and tonight is going to be a doozy.

With nothing to do until late lunchtime I did that...nothing...just enjoyed a restful time in the room before grabbing a cab over to the Monte Carlo and planted myself in Diablo’s Cantina. I checked in on Foursquare and alerted the Social Media of my arrival in time to see Don Logan wandering in clad in appropriate attire.

He’d only arrived late the night before from Chicago and we ordered food while waiting for others to arrive. Before long we were a decent size party and so we adjourned to The Pub on the other side of the Monte Carlo. This proved to be a popular choice especially as the had a happy hour of 2 for 1 drinks until 6. We indulged.

As we were a large party they insisted on a single bill and slapped on a service charge of 18%. Seems saves us having to work out the tip at the end.

I arranged for a pitcher to be placed on the table so that we could put the cost of our individual drinks in that rather that have a fight over who ordered what and for how much at the end. I think it worked out.

Ger the Duke seemed insistent on us sticking rigorously to the outlined agenda while I was somewhat more laid back about it. Trying to get 20+ people to agree on whether it’s time to leave is like trying to herd just can’t be done...all you can do it tell them where you are going and hope they’ll follow.

I gave the name and address of the next location to all and sundry before heading off to the hotel lobby to grab some cabs. The message seems to have permeated because before long we were piling into Frankie’s Tiki Room for some large drinks.

The drinks taste very nice...very nice indeed...and I had too many. It didn’t feel it at the time but they let me know later.

Joobs was insisting on trying to recreate ‘Umbongo’, a kids drink from some time ago...but with flavoured rum and various juices. The bartender Mike played along and for $6 each they were nice...very nice indeed. I had three...and that’s after two previous large rum concoctions had forced their way down my throat.

We were already running behind the alleged schedule and various people (I mention no names TIghty) were more interested in...erm...more mature entertainment.

This hadn’t been part of my plan but as I always’s just an outline, if people want to do something else then that was fine with me.

So, I made the executive decision to give the Bikini Bar a miss and we’d head off to McMullan's Irish Pub least those who wanted to could. So Mike called us a bunch of taxis and we made our collective way there.

I mentioned John Windsor previously in this thing and he was playing again on Friday. He went over a total storm with the Brits and everyone really got into it.

Curlage got up on stage and played ‘Wonderwall’ for us during one of John’s breaks and those two seemed to have a good old natter.

We coaxed a few more songs out of John after his usual knocking off time of 12.30am but he had to pack up some time. That didn’t seem to stop the party that was going on but I was well over four sheets to the wind by that stage...more like and entire Chinese laundry to the wind in fact.

I can’t recall the exact time I decided to call it a night but I walked outside and hailed cab and was safely tucked up by 2.30 am or so.

Apparently, I missed some high-jinks by leaving including...I’m led to believe Michelle and Joobs being told off for dancing on the tables, Michelle doing a juggling act with Joobs’...erm....assets and Mr Prime finding another odd location to catch forty winks.

Me....I had company of my own....the drinking bear has arrived!

Friday, 18 November 2011

Oh Shit, They’re Here!

APAT - Vegas Vengeance: Thursday, 17th November 2011

This not sleeping right is really starting to hack me off big time but perhaps a change of scenery will do me some good...luckily it’s moving day. I pottered around the room packing and policing up the room to make sure I hadn’t left anything behind before making my way down to the front desk to check out around noon.

I took a cab over to Harrah's and got checked in in pretty short order and trekked up to my room on the 14th floor. I’d deliberately asked for a quiet room, I need to maximise my opportunities for a good nights kip.

I unpacked and set-up the IT kit as per usual but, for some reason, I couldn’t log on to the wi-fi. The screen kept saying I couldn’t apply charges to my room even though I had specifically enabled this on check-in. This was a little annoying as it meant I would have to trek down to the front desk and get it sorted.

These little things are sent to try us I suppose.

I’d already planned to get some lunch at Toby Keith’s so I took the opportunity to make my enquiries at the front desk as I passed. On doing so I was informed that Harrah's DOESN’T HAVE WI-FI in it’s standard rooms...only in it’s suites.

WTF!? Even the friggin’ Imperial Palace has wi-fi in all it’s rooms! I looked at the woman behind the desk as though she’d told me that beer was bad for you.

Apparently, they only have cabled connections in the standard rooms. I’d noticed a cable in the top drawer of the TV cabinet when I was unpacking but I’ve seen this dozens of times in other’s an emergency thing, not an actual necessity.

Sorry folks, a ‘Travel Guru Fail’ on that one...who knew? I guess I’m supposed to know but it still boggles my mind that they don’t have this basic functionality.

Well, there it was, nothing I could do now, so I went to eat. A few beers and a plate of chicken fingers later I’d fed the body and soul and a text arrived from Richard Baker telling me he was in Carnaval Court. It was only 2pm by this time, a little early but why not?

I walked the short distance outside and found Rich, Andy & Deb planted at a table. Rich had one of those 4 foot drink things full of alcohol wrapped around his neck and was obviously in a party mood.

Figuring that I had a long night ahead I just contented myself with a few Bud Lights while we watched a great band called “Wonder Boogie” get the smallish crowd fired up with disco music and audience participation bits. They’ve been doing this for a long time and have it down pat. It’s a whole lot of fun to watch.

Rich and I sat there for a fair while (Andy & Deb had gone off to eat I think) just having a whale of a time just watching the crowd belly up to the bar for free shots of alcohol every half hour or so. It’s just cheap booze and fruit drinks mixed up in a pouring bottle but it’s a great way to get people involved.

Finally the rest of the APAT contingent started to arrive and we got stuck in. I can’t say everyone made the choice to turn up but the usual hard-core were in attendance so I think we did it up right.

Buckets of beer for $25 seemed popular once I’d spread the word...’Travel Guru Redeemed’.

To be honest I had expected us to just be there until fully liquored up and crashing but it seemed that a lot of people wanted to play the 8pm tournament at Harrah's. I honestly can’t see the attraction...It’s a crappy room and the tournament has, as is the way with these things, a horrible structure...but I was willing to go along with the majority.

Along the way, I’d been trying to get hold of my brother. He should have landed about 2pm but I hadn’t heard a peep out of him. I’d called, texted and emailed but nothing.

On my way to the poker room, detoured for a pee and as I’m washing my hands and on the way out, in he walks. I meet him in some funny places.

It turns out he’d gone out to an AT&T store to buy a sim immediately after checking in but for some reason his phone still wasn’t getting data. That explained the lack of contact. I took his new number and he went back to his blackjack I headed over to the poker room.

We’ll catch up’s that sort of relationship. We don’t feel the need to be in each other’s pockets all the time. He’s not into poker and I’m pretty much over long spells at the blackjack tables....been there, did that during the nineties.

Naturally, every move I made was the wrong one and I was out in about 2 hours, probably fact almost certainly less.

I sat outside the poker room for a while and found myself nodding off...I mean literally, doing the head jerk thing when you pull yourself back from the edge of sleep. This sleep deficiency thing is kicking my backside.

I played some slots for a while to rack up a few lousy Total Rewards points before heading back to the room to try and get the internet working.

That was a real palaver too. Firstly, I couldn’t find anywhere to plug the cable into. I searched for quite a while before finding the router attached to the back of one of the nightstands. Success I thought. Nope, the cable wouldn’t reach to the table in the room. Ok, move the table...that’ll cause problems with housekeeping, I’ll lay odds...I’ll have to leave a note asking them not to move it back.

Are we there yet? Nope, no signal. It’s surprising that something didn’t drop the 14 floors out of the window. The answer....they hadn’t plugged in the router to a power outlet. Once I’d twigged that it was plain sailing but, sheesh, sorry Harrah's you don’t get any more stays out of me.

So that was that. They’re here.

I’ll let them tell they’re own stories over on the APAT forum. I have little doubt they will be doozies.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Just Another Day At T’Mill

APAT - Vegas Vengeance: Wednesday, 16th November 2011

I just can’t figure out why I’m not sleeping right. I think I’m fighting off a cold or it could be the air-conditioning is drying me out and messing up my sinuses and simulating a cold. Anyway, it’s nice to have plenty of time in the mornings to get stuff done, catch up on work emails and some TV.

Nothing special to do until around noon when I’m ready for breakfast and some poker.

As I said, breakfast first so I chose the Courtyard Cafe in the Orleans...what the American would call a coffee-shop. That’s different from a Starbucks or Costa, you know, what we would think of a coffee shop.

Nope this is full service food and coffee restaurant. Steak, Eggs and Hash Browns. Lovely...and 10% off with a voucher they give you when you check in.

That set me up for a day of grinding. Grinding. It’s what I do.

I got seated after just a couple of minutes...It’s handy having my Kindle with me as it gives me something to read other than the usual poker magazines they have lying around.

I wish I had much of anything interesting to report but it was nothing I haven’t already detailed over the past few days...more of the same today.

After 6 hours I was precisely on my original $200 (but +EV on the beers of course). I suppose that’s good enough.

I haven’t done an exact count up but I think over the 5 days I’m basically breakeven on the poker...maybe a few bucks ahead in cash terms but definitely a winner in the ‘drinking for profit’ stakes.

A big thanks to Nellie, Jenna & Caroline for taking care of me in the beer department. As soon as I was even close to polishing off my drink another would materialise. I wish I could have taken pictures for you but it’s kind of frowned on.

Take it from missed something.

As I was walking over to TGI’s for something to eat (with another 15% off voucher) I met Andy & Deb (who’d been dabbling in the 2/4 LHE muddy waters) and they offered a lift over the the Stratosphere again where they were going.

I wasn’t really in the mood so I gratefully declined and got my beer and steak on instead.

By 8pm I was ready to leave but in two minds as to whether to bother with poker or not. I decided not to but rather to play a few slot machines and a little blackjack.

Once again, nothing of interest....sorry, I wish I could spice this post entry up but I’d rather tell you the truth.

In the words of the Pub Crawl people on Vegas Video NetworkI may leave stuff out, but I don’t make shit up”.

Tomorrow is D-Day for the British Invasion. Some commandos have already reconnoitred the area but the main landing party hits the beaches at 2pm PST.

I have a feeling that my brother is bringing the bear with him.

So be it.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

So Far, So....’Meh’

APAT - Vegas Vengeance: Tuesday, 15th November 2011

Tuesday was always going to be a quiet day. I don’t plan a lot for myself on these trips normally preferring to just go with the flow. Obviously, once the rest of the contingent arrive on Thursday we’re planned like the Germans invading Poland but that’s a whole other thing.

I pottered around the room for a few hours after I woke up. I can’t say it was a perfect night but it was slightly better than the previous ones I’ve had here.

Anyway, by the time I left the room at noon I was ready for a day of grinding. A grind it would prove to be. I opted not to eat breakfast, or should it be lunch, or brunch, at that time of day? Whatever, I didn’t and just made my way to the card room and got seated immediately as it was a little .quieter than the previous few days.

I was trying to find a happy medium between the boredom of folding a lot of hands and the fun of playing the pretty looking hands that I probably should fold but like to surprise people with.

This led to my stack doing a yoyo for a while getting as low as $20 from my initial buy-in of $200. That pulled me up sharpish and I really had to get back to proper grinding.

Since the Orleans is primarily a locals casino you see a lot of the same faces every day and they tend to soft play each other and will check it down when they get heads up. Oh, they’re not raising any anyone out and then doing it but all the same it’s happening all the same.

I saw this on more than one occasion, especially between the little old ladies who are friends, and when I queried of one why she had checked her quads she replied, quite openly, “Oh, we always do that”.


The dealer just ignored my question as to whether you could check the nuts and I can’t be bothered to take it further. Nothing is going to change and I guess it’s just another thing I’ll have get used to.

After about 7 hours I’d finally gotten my stack back up to my original buy-in but had consumed a number (OK, a lot) of beers. In fact, I was sitting on a small profit of around $40 and was considering taking a break and even perhaps just locking in that small profit.

Stupidly, I ignored that impulse and got involved in a nut high vs. my nut low hand where I got counterfeited by a 3 outer on the river which lost me a few dollars.

I played a little while longer getting down to $150 when people started leaving and the table dynamic changed.

I was getting hungry by then and decided just to take the small loss and grab some food at TGIs.

In thinking it over I had to be fairly close to break even after tips after 8 hours. I mean figure 3 beers and hour plus, say, 3 pots an hour over 8 hours...hang on let me take my socks off...

6 x 8 = yeah....I can call it break even if I want. A little self-justification is good for the soul.

Hey, what do you mean delusional? Yes, yes, I should have listed to my instincts and taken the profit when I had the chance but there you go.

Anyway, back to my home away from home, TGI Fridays for a nice Steak and Salmon meal and a couple of Stellas. At around 10pm, I realised that I was not looking forward to finishing off my just tasted ‘not right’. It wasn’t bad or anything it just felt like I was forcing it.

I abandoned it, paid my bill and went for a wander around the casino to let the food digest a while. Not particular destination or plan, I’d just see what was what and if anything caught my eye then fair enough.

Imagine my surprise when I found myself wandering back to the must be trying to tell me something.

I took the hint, clearly the old PASPS (that’s the Paulie’s Autonomic Self Preservation System) for those who might remember was kicking in even if I didn’t know why. I wasn’t drunk by any means despite 8 hours or more of drinking....three Bud Lites an hour over 7 hours wouldn’t  even dent my alcohol stream. I hung out the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign just in case of ursine intervention (I could have been wrong about the bear after all) and crashed.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Running Good On Empty

APAT - Vegas Vengeance: Monday, 14th November 2011

Perhaps the Irish Nachos and Irish Coffee wasn’t such a good idea. I don’t usually eat of lot of dairy products and the lactose may have had an unfortunate effect on my digestive system. That meant another disturbed night.

Either that or my system is trying to fight something off...I was sneezing a little this morning and I had the feeling that a cold might be coming so I dosed myself up with some left over drugs I got the last time I was here.

So, feeling rather...erm...empty, I wallowed for a while and I didn’t make it out of the hotel room until after 2pm. I couldn’t face eating so I just went straight to the poker room.

I got seated almost straight away for a change and bought in for my usual $200. On looking back, I realise that I was playing a little tighter than I was yesterday. A defensive mechanism perhaps but it worked.

I stayed out of silly hands (as you should) and save some money by easy folds when I might have called ‘for value’ yesterday. I didn’t get involved in a couple of hands where I made the ultimate nuts on the turn and several other players had a piece or were going for lows that didn’t get there.

I’d limited myself to soft drinks and water after the nights intestinal difficulties and it did seem to have done the trick. I still wasn’t hungry though.

By 5.30pm, I was up around $200 (which is a nice feeling) when Andy Duncan tapped me on the shoulder and told me that he and Deb were thinking of driving over to the Stratosphere for their 7pm tournament.

I decided that locking up the win would be a sensible thing so I elected to join them.

We drove over (spotting one of my back-up venues for Friday on the way) in time for the start and the action was simply least  on my table. It’s the usual madness that happens when there is an add-on and re-buy phase. I didn’t fare two well and busted out around half-way but not until I’d taken out Andy blind-on-blind when he ran into my KK.

I was crippled by the same KK against my AJs even though the guy did the whole ‘Oh, I’ll have to make stand’ Hollywood bit. I’d already committed enough so that I was going to see it through and despite having 12 outs on the flop I managed to miss them all.

I went all-in blind on the next hand and, as it turned out, with the best hand 22 vs. AQs vs. QJs...but the board ran out hearts to give the same villain as before a flush.

Deb lasted until 15th or so and we decided to come back to the Orleans for some food. We had a nice meal in TGIs and I downed a couple of Stellas but by the end I was feeling rather tired and decided to call it a night rather than play a little more cash.

I bid the Duncans goodnight and made my happy way back to my room for a nice rest.

All was well and the drinking bear hasn’t put in an appearance yet...but there is a rumour that he’ll be getting to town on Thursday. I’m alerting the TSA and ICE.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Paulie Hits Vegas, Vegas Hits Back

APAT - Vegas Vengeance: Sunday, 13th November 2011

Not the greatest night’s sleep I’ve ever had, perhaps it was the jet-lag or that ‘not my own bed’ thing, but sleep came in fits and starts so I didn’t feel rested at all. Nevertheless, I left the room at the crack of 11am and headed down for breakfast.

As it was Sunday there was a queue at the place I was planning on going to so rather than waiting I hit the buffet where the was no waiting time. Standard buffet fare, nothing worth going into detail about and I wandered into the poker room about noon. I got myself on the list but still had to wait over an hour before getting seated.

As it turns out I wish I hadn’t bothered. I’ve seen some crap play before and combine that with a severe case of card deadness and I just wasn’t getting it done.

I’d play a hand, flop the world and miss, or get suck-out on at the end or, and here’s a real ball buster, I flop a full house on a 655 board with a nut low draw, that’s A265 for the uninitiated, there is a bet in front of me, cool he has a 5, I raise and some lady calls and so does the first guy.

Turn is a K and I lead, and she raises, EP gets out of the way, I just raise and we end up capping it.

River is a J and I check call the river and she rolls over KK79. WTF? You call a bet and re-raise with a gutshot and no low and hit a fricking 2 outer?

That was the hand that put me on tilt....but I wasn’t going to play like that so I just took my lumps and cashed out down $160.


I had to do something to relieve the stress, so I thought drinking might always has in the past. So, I decided to kill two birds with one stone and do a little scouting for Friday and sauntered over to McMullan's, getting there around 5.30...just in time to take advantage of the end of happy hour.

I ordered a Stella and took a look at their menu. I was pointed at the happy hour menu by the barman where items were half off. I’d been itching to try their Irish Nachos since I heard about them...basically it’s a plate of home made crisps (not tortilla chips like normal) covered in melted cheese and other yummy goodness.

For $4 (half of $8) for a small portion it seemed like a marriage made in heaven. Then it arrived....

Oh was a mountain...and this was a small portion....I’d hate to see the large one. Nevertheless I gave it my best effort but it defied all attempts and I think I managed about half of it before admitting defeat.

In the meantime the live music was starting up. Their regular guy is John Windsor and he’s a born showman with a great line in patter and music. It seems that Sunday night is when he brings a few friends in to play as well and there was a nice mix of music on offer.

By 8.30 however, I was feeling tired again but I didn’t want to call it a night just yet so I resorted to a simple solution...Irish Coffee. All the alcohol plus caffeine goodness.

A couple of those seemed to do the trick but in the end it was always a losing proposition and by 10pm the spirit was willing but the flesh was not.

I walked the couple of hundred yards back to the Orleans and called it a night. I hope tomorrow goes better.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

“It’s Better To Travel Well, Than Arrive”

APAT - Vegas Vengeance: Saturday, 12th November 2011

With all due respect to the Buddha, it’s obvious he’d never been to Vegas. Getting there is a grind and once you’re there it’s like coming home...well, at least it is for me. I’d overnighted at the Crowne Plaza at Gatwick and received a nice, complimentary, upgrade to a Club room.

I supped down a few Fosters and a decent sandwich before getting a decent night’s sleep.

I shuttled to the airport around 9.30 and barely had time to scarf down a Wetherspoon’s breakfast and a pint before the flight was boarding. It seemed that the seat I had switched my booking to hadn’t made it through their system but it was fine, I was still in Premium Economy but upstairs rather than down.

The in flight entertainment system was the older model but it didn’t really bother me...I’d seen most of their offerings anyway, plus I had my Kindle. I can’t say that the hours sped by but I did manage to doze for, maybe, a hour and just contented myself with polishing off two or three books.

The flight was a little bumpy with light turbulence on more than a couple of occasions but otherwise it was uneventful and we landed bang on time.

Passport control and customs was a breeze and I caught a cab with no hassle. The driver seemed keen to take the tunnel to the Orleans even though it’s the long way but I insisted on using the surface streets rather than the freeway. The driver was so keen that he offered to knock off $10 from the fare if we went his way so he could get back. This seemed like a deal and I upped his tip and the whole cab ride cost me just under what I would have expected anyway. I’ll call that my first win.

Check-in at the Orleans was a breeze and I was into my rather large room in no time. I unpacked, abluted and got the IT rig set up.

I had a minor problem with the US sim I had bought as my phone didn’t seem to want to recognise it...until I realised I’d put it in upside-down!

After fixing this schoolboy error I as still having problems but a quick glance showed me that the phone hadn’t auto-selected the APN and after referring to the information I’d got from the people who sold me the sim I had this set up and I was off and rocking....almost.

I tried to access the APAT site on my phone only to find that a net-nanny was set and after calling T-Mobile Customer Service found it couldn't;t be removed without a US Social Security Number (to validate my age). Apparently the only way I can get this taken off is to visit a physical store. I’m not sure I’ll bother as I have access to all my social media sites and apps and I don’t really see any overwhelming need to access APAT while on the mover on this trip.

Once I’d gotten all those issues resolved I was feeling somewhat peckish...and in need of a large I headed out and down to TGI Fridays.

No, it’s not like the UK least not much. I ensconced myself at the bar and settled on a pint of Stella rather than the somewhat weaker US offerings.

The first disappeared rather quickly and the second was consumed while I tucked into a very decent 10oz steak. One more did the trick and it was time to pay off the $40 bill (including tip) and get stuck into some poker.

I had to wait a while before a seat opened up at the 4-8 Omaha Hi/lo tables but eventually I settled in and bought in for a couple of hundred.

Nothing eventful to report, my stack bounced around a little...getting down to just under $100 after couple of sick river suckouts but overall the play was pretty easy to read.

Regardless, I wasn’t making huge inroads but just grinding away. Around 11.30 pm and a mere $50 up I’d been up for going on 24 hours and was starting to feeling it.

That would do...I’d covered ‘lunch’, the rake, tips and such...time to call it a night.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

There Is No ‘I’ In Team…or ‘Us’ Either.

APAT Luton: Saturday, 22nd October 2011.

As defending APAT Forum Team champions, the London Poker Meetup were keen to repeat if we could. I’d even packed the trophy from last time just in case so we could do the ‘two trophies’ thing if we managed it.

I’d organised the team well in advance and, even if I say it myself, we were fielding a stronger team that last year even after losing Scouse.

About 11o’clock, I headed down to Jenny’s Restaurant just a couple of hundred yards from the casino for breakfast. A Full English breakfast and a cup of tea for around £5 suits me down to the ground. Tighty had PM’d me earlier in the week asking me to bring my dongle with me having left his in Coventry so I arrived at the casino about noon…of course, I had to be there early to do the ‘captain’ thing anyway so it wasn’t much of an hardship.

As it turns out the G in Coventry had sent Tighty’s dongle to him but it wasn’t working too well and the wi-fi in the card-room as there but pitiful. I mean top marks for having wi-fi but if it doesn’t work…FAIL!

Anyway, I sorted Tighty out and we talked for a while about the remainder of Season 5 before I left him to it and headed off to the bar to collect my lads. I collected the buy-ins and took care of the administration bits and pieces while supping a couple of beers.

Before long the team competition got under way and I started grinding. I had drawn a pretty reasonable table although there did seem to be an awful lot of limping going on. In particular there was one lady who would limp-call everything in any position.

I got involved in one hand where I made a K-high straight on the turn and the river came and Ace and completed a possible flush…and she led out. I considered that I had to be chopping at best and made a reluctant fold. In retrospect, after seeing her make some truly horrendous calls and bluffs I think I was probably winning that one. I think of it as an ‘Omaha fold’…not exactly ‘monsters under the bed’ but she her play screamed a draw when in fact she probably had just a decent ace.

She did take a few chips off me (a mis-read on my part) when she flopped middle set against my top pair and I managed to donk off thinking she only had middle pair.

Down to a mere 2.5k by the first break I had some work to do. I came back from the break and managed to grind my way back to around 6k by getting aggressive on the still fairly passive table. Eventually, I got the bullets in LP and got doubled up quite nicely as, having been so aggressive previously, I wasn’t believed when I pushed.

This got me back on the average but my team wasn’t doing quite so well. We’d lost 2 or 3 by then and although you can win the team event with just a few players they do have to go deep.

More grinding followed and I trod water for quite a while. I doubled up again with AA which, even if I say it myself, I played rather well…I bet the right amount to induce the necessary turn call and hollywooded just enough that my river shove got me paid.

I sat on 35k – 40k for quite a while before starting to dwindle down in chips as the blinds and antes started to bite. Finally, on c.25k (or 22BB) an UTG raise, by Cath, of 6xBB screamed 99-JJ at me and looking down at AQs I decided that this was my moment. I thought I might get the shove through but even if it didn’t I wouldn’t be in appalling shape.

So, in they went and Cath didn’t really hesitate and called, rolling over TT just as I suspected. However, I bricked all 5 cards and went out somewhere around 70th. No points this time.

Looking around for my team I found that I was the 7th one out leaving only Wayne.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t to be and although Wayne did very well, he just bubbled the cash and our dream was over.

I hung around for a while but my heart wasn’t really into hanging around too much. I drank a few beer and chatted to all and sundry for a while but eventually I called it a night and returned to the hotel.

Vegas beckoned…and it would be AWESOME!

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Redemption Is Mine!

APAT Luton: Friday, 21st October 2011.

Home turf! At the very least it’s probably the most accessible location for me on the APAT schedule until, hopefully, we get to Aspers in Stratford in Season Six. No Des, I’m not going to let that one go any time soon.

A mere hour’s drive around the M25 on a good day but as I was heading there on Friday night after work it was likely to take just a tad longer. As it was I bolted (fair enough, ambled) to the car at 5.30 from work and rocked up at the Days Hotel almost on the stroke of 7 o’clock. Only the usual road works and Friday night traffic to deal with…I’ll take it.

I’d opted to spend an extra £8 a night on an ‘Executive’ room for the two nights I would be there and there was a nice separate ‘work area’ which consisted of an office chair and what as basically a shelf with a couple of extra power points (one of which was broken) but I wasn’t unhappy with it. I probably won’t do it again but you never know.

After last year’s Luton event and the embarrassingly early exit from the APAT Luton Home Game I was eager to get some redemption this time. Oops…just realised I gave the game away with the title of this post.

Of course, last year led to drunken antics, a boozy haze and aching feet followed by a late night kebab…things could only improve.

I wandered the short distance to the Casino after getting settled into the hotel room arriving about 7.30 and met up with the APAT Luton contingent. Drinks were had, Lord I was parched, and we settled into a very nice comp with a decent chip stack and structure organised by the Luton mob. T7,500 and 30 minutes I think it was for £20. Very nice.

I like that Luton is enforcing a penalty for folding out of turn….I approve heartily of this …of course, I was the first to offend missing that Richard Baker hadn’t folded in front of me…DOH! Two hand penalty…I won’t be doing that again.

With everyone knowing one another it was a somewhat more friendly (and this noisier) game than would perhaps normally be the case. We finished up with 22 players (eventually) squeezed on to 2 tables.

I don’t remember any specific hands (I can’t imagine why) but I made it to the final table with a reasonable stack and by the time 2 am rolled around we were down to 4 and I’d cashed at the very least.

As it turned out I got heads up with Sharon Roberts, who I hadn’t met before, and, with all due respect to her, she seemed fairly straightforward. If she had it she bet. However, I could never get a hand against her to do anything with.

As I Sharon had me nearly 3:2 in chips I didn’t think it was my place to offer any sort of deal (plus I kind of wanted to win) but at around 3am, Sharon generously offered an even chop and since there was only £50 between 1st & 2nd I gratefully agreed for £155

After collecting my cash (hotel cost covered thank you very much) I was pretty much wiped out. It was 3.30 in the morning by this time and I’d been up for 22 hours and my eyes were burning like someone had peed in them.

I sauntered back to the hotel and crashed. No fuss, no muss….no bear.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Celtic Chaos II: View From The Rail

APAT Cork: Sunday, 25th September 2011.

Once again, the bear had skipped over my room on his nocturnal perambulations and, thankfully, there were no early morning deliveries to the hotel to disturb my slumbers so I got a decent night’s sleep.

I was up and around pretty early but just having a Sunday morning in bed with a good book and a couple of cups of tea made a nice change from the usual headache and groaning noises that are the norm on an APAT weekend.

I headed our around noon to Rosinda’s again for another full Irish breakfast to set me up for the rigours of the day. Revelling in the cholesterol wandered down to the card room still undecided about whether to enter the side event.

My decision was rendered easy by the fact that it was more Hold’em and, as most of you know, I’m much more comfortable with at least 4 cards in my hand.

Having decided so give it a swerve I elected to just rail the final table. This was quite entertaining, there was much more speech play than you are likely to find at the much more staid tables in the UK with the possible exception of any table featuring Scouse and/or Dan Owston.

Verbal jousts were flying across the table pretty much from the start and it really enlivened the experience. For myself I was railing Frank Bailie’s son, Matt and our very own Don Roberts.

Both were very much holding their own, in particular Matt who, deliberately or not, was flashing me his hole cards.

Unfortunately, Don wasn’t destined to be with us very long getting horribly crushed by the flopped steel wheel against his QQ. Having said that, the guy who took him out was, arguably, the most likely to suck out on someone having played way too many hands and, in this reporter’s opinion, was lucky to have made it this far.

Matt continued to make some smart plays even. I’d probably have been more aggressive but he’s better than I am. There were a couple of occasions where I would have snapped the villain off a lot quicker than he did…but he usually did it anyway. Whatever, he’s better than I am so what do I know?

Eventually Matt made it down to the final three and was into full on ‘shove mode’ and continually got hands like K3 and T3, getting his money in behind and hitting.

It couldn’t last long and, finally getting a decent hand with AQ was crippled by KK only to get it all in again the very next hand and meeting KK again. Well done Matt.

The final heads up battle lasted less than 30 minutes and we were done by 7.30pm…I wonder what I did then.

Well, of course, I headed off to the Shelbourne for an evening session. I was joined by Don and company who were meeting a friend, Tom I think, there a little later.

A few drinks later the lads were looking for a little music and I remembered that there had been a little down at The Corner House when I had walked in the night before so I suggested that we move there.

This idea was greeted warmly so we headed down the road but, unfortunately, the music was just finishing up as we arrived. Disappointed we drowned our sorrows good and proper but, it being a Sunday, the 11 o’clock closing time limited our boozing capacity.

The other lads were interested in getting food but I decided to head back to the hotel in the hopes that their bar might still be open but, once again, I was to be disappointed.

Oh well, a relatively sober weekend won’t hurt me for once. I squeezed myself into the lift and headed up to my room.

Another one in the books.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Celtic Chaos II: Sometimes You Just Have To

APAT Cork: Saturday, 24th September 2011.

Iawoke to the sound of something crashing in the road/alley outside the hotel. Frankly it sounded like someone had run over a milk float. I haven’t the faintest idea of what was but, to be honest, at four, freaking, o’clock in the morning I could have done without it.

On the other hand, since I hadn’t been visited by any woodland creatures during the night I just rolled over and got a few more hours of kip.

I know the APAT trips are about having a good time and all that but it’s sometimes refreshing not to wake up feeling like the recently deceased...odd that!

I whipped out the dongle to start my morning routine but wasn’t able to get the proper...erm…connection. Apparently I don’t have the right equipment. I found out on my return that there is something in my dongle I have to tickle inside to maintain the necessary signal stiffness.

Fortunately, the hotel had a pay-per-day option so I paid the necessary price and finished off without too much delay.

Knowing better that to opt for the hotel breakfast, I wandered out on to MacCurtain Street...OK, it wasn’t so much of a wander as more hoofing it a few yards up the road to Rosinda’s, a place I spotted on my way back to the hotel last night. Full Irish breakfast for 7.50 euro…job done right.

I lingered over my second cup of tea before wandering down towards the Macau Club just a street away. I arrived shortly before midday but the place wasn’t open yet so I planted myself opposite and read for a while on my Kindle…marvellous invention…I don’t go anywhere without it these days.

It wasn’t long before the Macau opened up and somehow I’d managed to look up from my reading just as Don and crew were arriving. Walking in, we were, of course, greeted by the sight of Tighty hard at work. A god-awful flight time in on the Saturday and he’s hard at it already…sheesh we don’t say enough nice things about him and the effort he puts in…seriously.

Des arrived shortly after and, along with a couple of others we chatted for a while before the competition started.

Mini-Rant (again).

Look, I know I’d attend the opening of an APAT envelope but I was really disappointed with the turn out. Cost-wise it was no more expensive (for me) than pretty much any other APAT event. There WERE flights at a reasonable cost from several UK airports (including Scotland) and I really feel that some people who would normally turn up had just made up their minds not to bother.

I’m not pointing fingers at anyone specific…just that there seemed to be a perception that it would break the bank to get to Cork. From my research, this simply wasn’t the case and I’d plumped for, perhaps, one of the more expensive hotels when compared to other options.

Perhaps I’m wrong, but it seemed to me that some minds were made up well before the event and nothing we could say was going to change opinions.

Whatever, we got away with a mere 60 odd runners and, as I expected, the standard was pretty awful, at least on my table. Five or six limpers seemed to be the norm and putting in a decent raise in late position would often see you take it down pre-flop. If it didn’t you’d get 3 or 4 callers.

I don’t get it…if your hand is good enough to call a raise (and most weren’t) why not raise yourself?

Regardless, I never got ahead, seeing a mind-boggling succession of J4, Q5, K3 that meant I was folding the majority of hands. After picking up the blinds couple of times (betting with complete air) we were into the 3rd level and I was still sitting on the starting stack.

Things did not improve for me, I managed to lose a fair amount when my opponents refused to believe me when I had a hand and they caught EVERY FRICKING TIME on the river. I managed to donk off a fair amount with AT against AQ on an AAJ6K board despite a pre-flop raise and he still wouldn’t go away after I bet all three streets.

Eventually, I made the mistake of limping (something I rarely do) with JTs in the SB with 4 callers in front. I should have just raised….I knew it at the time and still didn’t do it.

The flop cam Jack high but all spades, I checked and it was check around to the CO who put in a pot-sized bet. It screamed to me of a ‘go-away’ bet and thinking he was drawing, I just jammed with 5k hoping for the double-up to get back in it.

Oops...he was playing 6s9s (mega-sigh) and had flopped it and barring a runner-runner boat, I was dead…and, of course, that wasn’t going to happen.

So there it was, pretty early, and I was done…I wandered off, somewhat dejected, and chatted to Des and Tighty for a while before deciding to hit up a couple of places I’d missed the night before. No point in wasting the evening after all.

So, after checking in with the few APATers who’d made the trip (most of whom were still in) I headed off for a solo night of debauchery…fair enough, just a few pints then if you want to be more accurate.

As I mentioned before, I’d made some notes beforehand and my first port of call was Sin-E (it has an accent in the Gaelic) and is pronounced ‘Shin-A’. The reviews I’d read did not, unfortunately, match up to the reality.

Described as having a large downstairs bar area (downstairs meant 2 steps) it was in fact a pokey little hole, lit almost entirely by candles and stocked with ‘arty’ types for the most part. Eclectic I suppose was the thing they were going for and perhaps it appeals to the many tourists in town but it did nothing for me. Of course, I had to have a couple of pints to give it a proper workout but I left after that under-whelmed.

Ah well, The Corner House beckoned and being just a few feet up the road from my previous venue was much more to my liking. A large bar area with plenty of seating made me suspect that half the people who’d reviewed Sin-E were, in fact, in The Corner House. A lively establishment and I made the appropriate notes should we ever return to Cork…and I hope we do.

A couple of pints later I decided that I’d done my duty and decided that making my way back towards the hotel might not be a bad idea…not that I had any intention of finishing up the night’s solitary revels just yet.

Apparently, I had been abandoned by my fellow APATers who had elected to play the Saturday night competition at the Macau. I have to wonder about their priorities sometimes…I really do.

As it turned out a couple of the pubs on my list had closed and so I made my way back to the Shelbourne which was heaving despite it being only 9 o’clock or so. Fortunately, I managed to snag a table outside and settled in for the long haul. I was well situated to catch APATers walking past and within (we eventually had calculated last night) 31 yards of my hotel’s front door.

Saturday night was in full swing in Cork and there seemed to be some sort of ‘prom’ thing going on nearby as all these suited young men and young-ish girls in their party finery kept wandering up and down the street arm in arm or in groups. They’d walk past one way and then five minutes later, walk back the other way.

I concentrated on my beer and my Social Media updates before being utterly distracted by a young lady who sat down at the next table over. Pneumatic is the word. I just had to take a picture…seriously, I just had to. If you follow me on Twitter / Facebook or Google+ then you have already seen this picture…but if you’re not…here you go.

Sue me….I’m male and breathing. I couldn’t help myself.

I knocked back a few more drinks before heading back to the hotel as I figured that being the hotel bar was safer than having to cross the street. I got myself a drink and was listening to the piano player in the corner doing that ‘muzak’ thing and wondering if I slipped him a few quid if he’d ‘rock out’ when I was unexpected joined by Jon Woodfield and Dave Pilkington who were following me on Facebook. I’m gonna have to stop checking in on there.

We had a quiet conversation for an hour or so before they elected to head back to their respective hotels and I bid them a good night. Despite only eating breakfast I was just pleasantly buzzed, much like the night before, and I had little fear of a furry visit in the night.

Regardless, I hung out the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign and chained the door, just in case.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Celtic Chaos II: The Merits of Chain Drinking

APAT Cork: Friday, 23rd September 2011

Insofar as I hadn’t been visited by the beverage ursine (that’s the Drinking Bear to the uninitiated), I awoke quite refreshed on Friday. The first order of business was to whip out my dongle and complete my usual morning procedure….checking the APAT boards.

It’s a tough business looking for for anything I can delete, move, moderate, edit, censor or otherwise fiddle with…heh. OK, I just read what was on there, although I did ban a couple of spammers so the whole morning wasn’t a complete waste.

Whatever, I took the shuttle into Gatwick fairly early for the flight. The good thing (if there is one) about Ryanair is that you’re pretty much required to check-in well in advance. So there’s no long line to check-in to navigate and you can just roll on through security and head straight to the bar.

That is if you don’t forget to take your phone out of your back pocket. Sigh…I’d got everything else sorted but in doing the “jacket-off” / “belt-off” thing I forgot to un-IT.

Not a huge issue, I got a perfunctory rub-down from the security guy. If that had been the TSA I suspect I would have had the whole ‘cavity search’ / ‘sexual assault pat down’ that I’ve heard about. Thank the stars that the UK lads are less ‘gung-ho’ than their US associates….You have been warned.

With the morning frottage over I headed straight into the Wetherspoon’s on the upper floor and order the biggest breakfast I could see on the menu and a pint. Glorious!

Free wi-fi as usual in the Wetherspoon’s and I was able to catch up the few minutes I’d missed on the interwebz since leaving the hotel. Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything to moderate so I just had to settle for breakfast.

I’d wrapped myself around brekky and was contemplating the next pint when Rich “Curlage” Baker arrived, pretty much on schedule, and got one for me…Score! We, as we generally do, put the world to rights before being joined by Don Roberts and his mates, Lee and Paul.

Before long we headed off to our gate, queued (as you do) for boarding, before making the long trek across the tarmac and boarding the plane. I jammed myself into the closest seat to the back of the plane that I could and settled in. As usual, I couldn’t understand a word of any announcement made over the intercoms. It was either a combination of the Irish accent (spoken at a fast pace) or the unintelligible Eastern European accents sported by the rest of the cabin crew.

Of course, it didn’t really matter to a season traveller like me but I did see more than a few confused looks on other passengers’ faces and I could hear ‘What did she say?” more than once.

An uneventful, if a little bumpy, flight and we were into Cork Airport in about an hour or so. No hassles with the disembarkation or, perfunctory, border/customs check. Richard and I had somehow managed to lose Don and Co so, after waiting a few minutes; we jumped in a taxi to our hotel.

The taxi driver seemed to be a frustrated tour guide and gave us a little history and geography lesson on the way into Cork which made the time pass. Even so, it was probably only 10 minutes and we were dropped off in front of Hotel Isaacs. Cab fare was around 16 euro.

Richard and I checked in and arranged to meet (as I thought) in the lobby a little later once we’d settled in.

We headed up together to and encountered a somewhat small lift. Once Richard and I were inside we half expected the lift to request that 3 of us get out. In fact it was only rated for 3 people…we may have strained that limit a bit. Nevertheless, we had no issues.

My room was a decent size with a double and a single bed (I hadn’t ordered the extra bed), a desk area (which was kind of tucked away) and a small CRT telly (which I wouldn’t be watching).

The remarkable thing you noticed on entering was that one wall (onto the hallway) as made of glass bricks! Now they gave you curtains you could draw so no-one could see in…but you have to wonder a the architect’s thinking there.

Once I’d washed the travel grime off and gotten the IT kit up and running, I headed down to the lobby. No sign of Richard and I sat there for a couple of minutes reading before the fellow on the desk told me that Rich has left a message that he was in the bar.

Face-palm! Of course he was. Why didn’t we just set that as the meeting place? I‘d assumed that we’d both meant the lobby….but clearly Richard has anticipated me.

I wandered into the bar…no sign but I kept on going out into the open-air area outside and there he was, accompanied by….the ‘irritating man’, Davey Pilkington.

Perhaps I shouldn’t have checked in with Foursquare and Facebook as, apparently, no later than 3 minute later Davey had come (literally) running around the corner before I’d even made it downstairs. Richard had apparently had the pleasure of being assigned a room facing on to this ‘patio’ area…nice enough except for the waterfall outside!

Looking down the courtyard onto the main street from the hotel we could see a pub, Dan Lowrey’s. This was to be our first port of call. Rich seemed quite interested in how far away it was from the hotel and so we counted out the paces. 22 was the answer…22 yards…the length of a cricket pitch or, in old money...a ‘chain’.

This seemed to be providential. The pub wasn’t huge by any means but was welcoming and the beer was a little cheaper than the hotel…not much, but a little. I did the FSQ/FB check in and texted Don where we were and it wasn’t long before his contingent joined us from their hotel (the Windsor) just up the road.

A good time was being had by all but we couldn’t come to Ireland without sampling more than one hostelry. Rich however, not had a bee in his bonnet about the ‘chain’. I mollified him by pacing out the distance to the next pub…22 yards. True ‘Chain Drinking’…Bonus!

We piled into the Shelbourne and more drinks followed and the evening continued. The primary debate though was trying to work out how many yards our hotel was away…trying to work out the hypotenuse of the triangle without the square root function on the calculator was amusing…at least it seemed to at the time.

I’d done a fair amount of scouting (via Google Maps, Street View and Yelp) for suitable public houses to visit and had high hopes of hitting all the high spots on my list; however, I had not anticipated my compatriots’ tastes turning to the ‘spicy’ side. Now as Ger wasn’t in attendance I hadn’t done any pre-planning and was somewhat in the dark on this score.

Nevertheless, we sent Dave Pilkington out into the streets to track down a suitable establishment where my associates could sate their ‘appetites’. Dave returned in short order stating that such a house could be found only a short walk away.

Apparently it was more than 22 yards away which caused some dissention but eventually we were persuaded. We headed out into the night and made our way up MacCurtain Street to a somewhat dimly lit, shady establishment. To be honest it looked pretty sketchy to me. We peered through the windows and the place seemed deserted although there was a small light on in the back.

Looking up we could see a sign advertising something called a ‘Tasty Oriental’ and this overcame any objections which might have been raised.

We piled through the door gleefully anticipating a night of abandoning ourselves to our baser instincts only to have our hopes dashed. Bloody place was a restaurant!

Frankly I would have preferred soldiering on to the next pub on my list but I didn’t want to seem unsociable. Decent enough menu although, perhaps a little pricey (but we’re in Ireland). This didn’t slow Rich down who promptly ordered 3 starters along with his main course. I managed with just once of each while others picked their dishes. They did a decent 3 course menu for 20 euro as I recall so it’s not all bad.

Food was decent but I could see it was having a soporific effect on Rich who was on the verge of falling asleep at the table. Apparently he’d been up most of the night online….degenerate!

Not much to my surprise the food knocked out most of the party and once we’d settled up Rich, Don and the others decided to call it a night. I elected to head back to the hotel with the thought of a night-cap or two but was greeted by a sing-along going off in the bar. I decided to spare my ears (and probably my sanity) and head to bed.

Pleasantly buzzed, I hung out the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign (in case the Drinking Bear could read) and retired. I think he may have snuffled at the door but it apparently decided to spare me.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Celtic Chaos II: The Run-up

APAT Cork: Thursday, 22nd September 2011.

As is my wont, I’d elected to spend Thursday night near the airport at the local Holiday Inn as part of an end of your points hotel points run) so I’d motored down to Gatwick arriving around 7 o’clock. I had no hassles getting there, other than the usual Dartford Bridge congestion.


Once the bridge construction costs were paid off they were supposed to end the toll for crossing the bridge. Naturally, this didn’t happen but rather they rebranded the toll as a ‘Congestion Charge’. Now look, if the only thing causing the congestion is the collection of the ‘Congestion Charge’ you’re on to a sure fire winner.

When I come to power as a benevolent, but brutal, dictator, that’s getting close to the top of my ever increasing list of things to put on the chopping block…along with drivers who don’t indicate and use the wrong lane at roundabouts…but that’s another, much longer list thread that never seems to end so I can post it.

Regardless, parked the car, checked-in and, being an APATer, headed to the bar. A few Stellas under my belt (charged to the room for a few more hotel points) and all was well.

I retired relatively early for an uneventful evening followed by a nice sleep. Oh, and they upgraded my room (I think) to the next step up on the room rankings thanks to my status with the hotel chain. I could get used to this.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Move Along…Nothing To See Here.

APAT Nottingham (WCOAP 2011)

Apologies. I've been catching up on my blog posting and realised that I haven't been cross-posting between here and the APAT site. I just got out of the habit of writing it up in both formats...actually it's probably just laziness on my part.

Regardless, I’m going to try and get all the old posts over there duplicated on here (in the right order) and, and I’ve probably said this before, keep it up. Fortunately, Windows Live Writer will let you back-date posts….handy that.

Anyway, as it happens I can’t recall Nottingham at all. Obviously I didn’t win anything or even come close so it didn’t make an impression.

Fortunately, that hasn’t been the case since then. So, if I haven’t lost you completely by now, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I had, brace yourself…here it comes.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Railing For The Win

APAT Glasgow: Sunday, 31st July 2011

Fortunately, the bear didn’t bring a friend this time although he still did his usual business. Feeling like seven kinds of crap, I was very slow in arising on Sunday morning. Not that there was any rush…nothing was going to kick off until 2.30pm anyway.

Normally, I would have been there early to lend whatever kind of help I could to the update team, even if it was only moral support.

With the technology issues they were having it looked like that moral support was all they were going to get.

I left the hotel with good intentions…I’d breakfast at the Tivoli and then head into the casino. Honest, that was my plan…but it didn’t last beyond me walking past the Scotia’s front door.

As I ambled past the cry of “PAULIE!” echoed into the street and, being the polite gentleman that I am, it would have been rude to ignore the plaintive cry.

Ian was getting some in early doors with another APATer (who I’ll apologise to now for forgetting who it was) and, as I’ve said, I had to be polite and accept the kind offer of a Stella.

Then, of course, it would have beyond the bounds of etiquette not to get a round in myself (sigh) and so it progressed.

Before you could say “Want another, Paulie?” we were fast approaching 2.30 and my compatriots wanted to play the 6-max side completion. We left the pub and headed up to the Gala…so much for brunch!

Wandering into the poker room I left my companions to go about their business and see how Leigh and Tighty are doing. Things haven’t changed much since yesterday, still no Wi-Fi but they are muddling through.

I catch up on the ‘Tighty The Greek’ saga and find out that Scouse and Suzanne are both nicely chipped up. I really feel that Scouse has an excellent chance of taking this one down…Lord knows he’s due.

So my activity for the day is to be railing the main comp (I decide to give the 6-max a miss). If I can lend a hand then that will be gravy.

I’ve been remiss in posting this up but I recall leaving for a while around 6pm to get some food down at the Tivoli (which included my first taste of haggis…which I liked) before coming back.

Suzanne had been aggressive early on but couldn’t make any headway and, eventually, had been knocked out.

The two most aggressive players were Scouse (of course) and Grant Spiers. I’d met Grant before on another foray over the border but hadn’t had gotten to know him much.

These two weren’t taking any crap from one another but weren’t putting anything on the line (as it were). Chips were certainly flying and this was intimidating the rest of the players into playing way too tight.

I can’t recall now at which point it happened by Scouse got ‘coolered’ by playing 69 suited and flopping the flush, only to run into a nut flush and was out. “Live by the sword, die by the sword” but disappointing for him all the same.

Of course, this left Grant with a mountain of chips and he continued to chuck them around the table with apparent abandon. I railed for quite a while and while it would be fair to say that he had his fair share of the variance it did seem that, when they were down to just a few, he was the only one playing any cards. The rest just seemed happy to ladder up.

Perhaps I’m being unfair but that is the impression I had. You knew he was either going to take it down or flame out in a major way. As it turned out he won it and having had the opportunity to chat with him over a beer or three a nicer fellow couldn’t have deserved it more.

Leigh and Tighty got on with the photos and write-ups while I adjourned, as you might expect, to the upstairs bar. I was joined shortly by the APAT update team, the Overtons and a couple of others.

We weren’t there long, most of us had an early start the next day, but Grant had generously let a few quid for some drinks which was gratefully received.

It wasn’t too long before the rigours of the weekend were catching up with me again so I bid my compatriots a good night and headed back to the hotel.

I checked the room carefully and made sure the bear wasn’t waiting for me before laying my head down.

Glasgow done and dusted….Nottingham next.