Monday 27 August 2012

APAT ECOAP 2012 (iii)


Well, Sunday was always going to be a down/rest day for me. I hadn’t bought into the Main Event for purely economic reasons although I would probably have tried to alternate if I had binked decently in the previous couple of events. However, I hadn’t so I could take it easy.

I had another late morning start since I had no over-riding reason to get out of the hotel before noon. Despite a number of people saying they were ‘up’ for a trip to Hooters there was paucity of actual physical presences when I wandered out into the Nottingham daylight.

Obviously the first port of call was The Water’s Edge and even there I appeared to be the first one in. Ah, the youth of today…lightweights, all of them.

So, I ordered up my pint and sat outside as the sun tried to inch its way from behind the clouds. I didn’t have to sit there too long. Obviously my social media interactions had prompted the masses to follow my example and venture out into the environs of the Castle Marina.

Before long we were many fold (including Jaxie...of which more later), beers and burgers were being inhaled and it was a very pleasant sojourn in the arms of Greene King. However, in due course, the siren song of the APAT ECOAP Main Event called to my comrades and I reluctantly left them to make their way over while I transferred from the Holiday Inn to the somewhat less inviting Premier Inn.

Fair enough, I’ve never had any problems at Premier Inns...they are a significant step above Travelodge. Sure, you pay for what you get but if you go in knowing that then I don’t have a problem.

I was a tad annoyed that the much touted ‘Free Wi-Fi’ (which was placarded everywhere in BIG signage) was, in fact, only free for 30 minutes, only £3 a day (I think) after that but a disappointment nevertheless. Not that I needed it, I have mobile internet (and a backup) so I was sorted either way.

Getting checked in and sorted didn’t take too long, the PI Castle Marina only has about 40 rooms, so I was free and clear by 3pm. My basic plan was to head over to the Showcase cinema on the Redfield estate and see what was offered.

On arrival I had plenty of time before my preference (The Dark Knight Rises) was due to start for I took the opportunity for a spot of lunch at Chiquito’s. Very nice too, free Wi-Fi (with sign-up) and quite tasty.

I can’t say the final (?) movie of Nolan’s Batman Trilogy blew me away but it was a top level finale to the series.

That’s enough of that; let’s get on with the show. Fed and entertained, I made my way over to DTD, arriving around 7pm (perhaps a little later) and immediately took a seat at the updating desk. Tighty was in full flow adding his particular brand of humour to the update thread.

Whatever the situation, it’s my personal view that APAT (as an organisation and community) is going to sorely miss Tighty and his work. His updating skills are legendary and I’m very pleased that he’s found a niche in this arena with both Sky Poker and DTD.

In the absence of anything else to do (the Main Event was only a few hours old), I plunked myself down in front of a free monitor and keyboard and added my meagre efforts to the updates. It was handy having the screen etc. available at the update desk, I had my netbook in the car but it’s a little ‘compact’ for proper work.

Time wore on; I had a drink or two, commiserated with bust-outs and celebrated with those who were still in. I resisted the blandishments of Laxie, Jack, Curlarge and senior (sundry) members of the Stockton Massive to head out to the infamous Chambers Karaoke bar in downtown Nottingham.

Firstly, although I think I have a decent singing voice, I’m way too reserved to ever get up on stage and expose myself to ridicule and, secondly, I could see where this was headed.

Frankly, I can’t recall what the time was when the first stragglers started making their way back to DTD. It might have been before midnight but I’m not entirely sure. I was having ‘fun’ (if that’s the right word) adding my poor efforts to the updates.

Reports started coming in once they made their way back though. Sure enough, certain members of the expedition had made full use of the beverage facilities although, it appeared, their ability to remain conscious had been severely impaired.

Sure enough, Jack had, once again, fallen asleep in the lavatorial area of the entertainment facility and there was a reasonable chance of him suffering a concussion from the door hitting him in the head as he lay on the bathroom floor when the security staff kicked it in.

Hang on a second…this has always been something that confused me. People over-imbibing has to be a fairly often occurrence and falling asleep &/or being out of it in toilet stalls equally frequent. Why don’t pubs/bars have some sort of key that can open the stall door from the outside?

The increased cost of the locks has to be massively outweighed by the cost of repairing a kicked-in door…No?

Whatever, the party (what was left of it) made their way back and were telling tales of the exploits of the ‘weaker’ members. Little did they know what awaited them!

I helped with the updating until the end of level 12 or 13 and decided to call it a night. I think it was around 1.30 am… an early night for a change or, at least, earlier than the past two.

The drive back to the Premier Inn was uneventful…job done.